Explore iconic Exhibits

Here at the Museo dei Bambini you don’t look at exhibits—you PLAY with them. Touch sound, levitate, master air flow, harness kinetic energy, mix colors, and transport protons. Science is possible here. 

Sensory & Visual Exploration

Plasma globe

Control streams of plasma with your fingertips—watch electricity dance through ionized gas in a sealed glass sphere!

Light Threads

Gently glowing strands show how light travels through fibers—bend, twist, and watch photons follow the path!

Funhouse Physics

Step into reflection science—concave and convex mirrors warp light to stretch, squish, and flip your image!

Shape Shifter

Press your hand, face, or elbow—this giant pin wall captures 3D impressions using pressure and spatial memory!

Liquid motion

Spin the tile and watch colorful liquids swirl, mix, and settle—revealing patterns shaped by inertia and flow.

spin to life

Discover the magic of early animation—spin the zoetrope and watch static images spring into motion before your eyes!

Flip & Shine

Swipe your hand to flip sequins and create shimmering patterns—explore texture, symmetry, and light reflection!

spiral illusion

Spin the timeless spiral and watch your vision warp—this classic illusion tricks your brain using motion and contrast.


Watch bubbles dance through glowing water—explore how air, buoyancy, and light create a calming sensory show.

Physics & Motion

Orbit Drop

Description: Race balls into a gravity well and see how planets spiral toward stars—mass warps space, motion reveals the math!


Send scarfs soaring through twisting tubes—watch air pressure, flow, and lift turn chaos into controlled flight!


Drop in a your UFO and watch it soar or not! Explore lift, airflow, and turbulence in this vertical wind tunnel of flying fabric.


Watch balls hover mid-air using only airflow—Bernoulli’s principle in action, where pressure drops and lift takes over!

Chaos wheel

Give it a spin! Watch beads ricochet through a maze of pins, showing how motion and chance create endless randomness.

Butterfly effect

Spin the butterfly-shaped board and watch beads tumble into different wings—exploring how small changes influence outcomes through motion and design.


Watch styrofoam swirl and dance inside a vertical wind tunnel—airflow creates rising currents and wave-like motion.

Kinetic Jams

Give it a whirl! Your spin turns kinetic energy into electricity—powering cheerful tunes with motion alone.

Problem Solving & strategy

Line logic

Rotate and strategize! Compete to align four cylinders of the same color—testing spatial thinking, memory, and pattern power.


Solve the classic logic puzzle—with colors! Arrange wooden chips so no hue repeats in any row, column, or square.

spin maze

Tilt, twist, and spin the entire maze—use gravity, coordination, and strategy to guide the ball through every turn.

Magnet Maze

Use magnetic force to steer a ball through a clear path—no touching, just the pull of invisible physics!

ball Climb

Use your hands to guide the ball through a vertical maze—gravity, coordination, and problem-solving all in one!

Mini Trail Blazer

Conquer the Rubicon in miniature! Test your RC skills on a rocky course that models real-world terrain physics.

Thread Theory

Over-under, over-under! Weave patterns and explore the basics of textiles, tension, and creative structure.

Light & Sound

Shadow Splitter

Your body becomes a prism of color—multiple shadows bloom as RGB lights collide and reveal hidden hues!

touch & glow

Tap to transform light! Your touch changes color, pattern, and brightness—revealing how circuits respond in real time.

Bone Conductor

Discover how sound vibrations travel through solids—bypass your eardrums and hear with your bones!


Complete the circuit with touch! Your body becomes the wire—where you connect changes the note. Electricity never sounded so good!

Infinity mirror

Peer into endless reflections! This glowing illusion uses mirrors and light to create the appearance of a tunnel with no end—inviting visual wonder and depth perception play.

Light painting

Draw with light! Use a flashlight to “paint” on a Phosphorescent board—watch photons activate special pigments before fading away.

Color lab table

Turn the knobs to mix red, green, and blue light—layer color sheets and explore how light blends, overlaps, and reveals color theory in action!

Collaborative Play

Pixel play

Plug in colorful pegs to design with photons—explore how light travels, bends, and builds glowing patterns!

Wall run

Design your own vertical track! Drop the ball and watch gravity, angles, and momentum bring your creation to life.


Pretend to plant, pick, and play—explore where veggies come from and how plants grow, from seed to harvest!

Mini mart

Shop, scan, and sort! Explore math, nutrition, and decision-making in a playful market built for curious kids.


Assemble your own dino skeleton! Explore paleontology and prehistoric anatomy with this hands-on fossil construction kit.
Rotating Exhibit

Builder’s Bench

Build like an engineer! Use oversized bolts and beams to explore structure, design, and hands-on problem solving.
Rotating Exhibit

Mega magnet tiles

Snap together oversized magnetic tiles to build towers, tunnels, and shapes—explore structure, symmetry, and magnetic force!
Rotating Exhibit

Ball Ramps

Build your own floor track and set the balls in motion—explore gravity, speed, and chain reactions in action!
Rotating Exhibit

Cause & Effect

Yes Zone

domino drop

Tip and topple dominoes, then pull the string to reset—perfect for endless exploration of cause-and-effect and chain reactions!

button station

Push, press, and discover! Big buttons help little ones explore colors, sounds, and gentle cause-and-effect play.

Pull & Lift

Pull the strings to lift the ball—explore early concepts of balance, motion, and simple machines in action!

baby momentum box

Spin to send beads tumbling—introducing babies to motion, gravity, and early physics through playful cause-and-effect exploration!

Tunnel Roll

Roll the ball through bridges and underpasses—perfect for little ones exploring motion, cause-and-effect, and crawling fun!

Flip Sticks

Lift and release each stick—watch them drop and clatter in a playful rhythm as little hands explore motion and gravity.

Sensory & Motion Play

Yes Zone

Captain's wheel

ake the helm! Spin the sturdy wheel and set sail on sensory adventures—perfect for little explorers with big imaginations.


Spin the vibrant balls and watch the colors blur and blend—explore motion, rhythm, and the magic of the rainbow!


Step, press, and watch colorful liquids swirl beneath your feet—exploring sensory play, color mixing, and fluid motion!

Shimmer Bloom

Swipe the petals to flip sequins and reveal sparkling colors—explore texture, light, and the joy of sensory discovery!

sensory blocks

Shake, tilt, and explore! These see-through blocks are filled with swirling liquid, sparkles, and color for calming sensory play.

Sound & vibration Discovery

Yes Zone


Touch, rub, and tap—different surfaces make different sounds! Explore how texture changes sound, pitch, and feel.

wind chime

Gently tap and listen—explore soothing sounds, vibrations, and musical notes through calming sensory play.


Spin the wheel fast or slow—explore how speed changes sounds, teaching little ears about rhythm and pitch!

funny faces

Look, laugh, and learn! These playful mirrors stretch, squish, and flip reflections—early fun with symmetry and visual distortion.

Visual Perception & Patterns

Yes Zone

optical illusionROLLERS

Roll bold, high-contrast patterns to spark baby vision—sensory motion play that lights up developing eyes.

Galton's Fall

Watch beads cascade through a maze of pins—exploring probability, randomness, and the surprising order hidden in chaos.

hour glass

Watch beads flow gently from top to bottom—introducing early ideas of time, gravity, and patience through calming observation.


Look through the scope to see someone on the other side—discover how mirrors redirect light and reveal hidden angles!

Early Learning & Language

Yes Zone

STEM BABY library

FUN STEM board books in many languages—built for little hands, big ideas, and curious minds around the world.